Memory Jar 2013

About a year ago, I started a jar of memories. The idea was to write down my accomplishments, important moments, surprises, and more, then open it up at the end of the year to reflect on the previous months. I kept my jar in my bathroom with a post-it pad next to it and would drop little nuggets in as I remembered. When I moved from New York, I asked friends to write me a note of encouragement because I knew the transition was going to be rough. I didn’t add to my jar regularly enough, but I was filled with so much love and inspiration when I took out the memories to read today.

memory jar memory jar you are enough

A few themes shine through:

  1. I am so very, very, very loved.
  2. I am capable of changing my life for the better and it only takes baby steps and often baby steps in the dark.
  3. Life is so much more beautiful and possible than fear trick us into believing.
  4. There is nothing I can’t do.

This year, I’m going to revamp my memory jar. Instead of moments I want to remember, I’m going to write self-appreciation of my body, mind, soul, et cetera. I hope for this to be baby steps at changing my self-talk. Maybe I’ll even start to believe that I’m flawless.

Yes that's really my bathroom mirror

A Monday Affirmation

Joy is...