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Queen Bee Order


A sanctuary for melanated femmes to heal, share, grow, learn, love, laugh, fellowship, restore, turn up, and be.

Who we are:

  • Black women, melanated women/femmes/marginalized genders of the Diaspora.

  • Spiritually expansive

  • Intersectional

  • Life-affirming

  • Queer and queer allies

  • Light bearers

  • Our ancestors’ wildest dreams

  • Ancestor-respecting

  • Pantheon following

  • Sexually expressive

  • Beyhivers

What we do:

  • Show up as we are without apology, shame, or guilt

  • Tell our truth and invite light in

  • Own our shit and be willing to expand

  • Be each other’s keeper

  • Commit to change, pride, communication, intimacy, sisterhood, expansion, and care

  • The work necessary to be fully ourselves, not a reaction to our inner child or who the world tells us to be

  • Write, speak, ritual, channel, expand

  • Heal out loud


  1. We don't SPAM, self-promote our businesses or products, both on the discussion board or through inboxes/private messengers, except when specifically solicited by an administrator.

  2. We don't shame or dog folks for where they are in their journey. We know the difference between lovingly get someone together and calling someone out to embarrass and "knock them down a peg or two."

  3. We don't spread misogynist, patriarchal, victim-shaming, racist bullshit. Ever. Period.

  4. We don’t misgender or marginalize people’s genders. We use gender neutral terms or ask or people’s pronouns. We may fuck up, but we always take the correction and change our behavior.

  5. We don't bash the Queen (Mrs. Carter if you nasty). Ever. Period.

  6. We don't copy, share, gossip, tattle about what goes on in this group. What happens in Queen Bee Order, stays in Queen Bee Order.

  7. We don't add people to the group without their explicit permission.

  8. We don't play respectability politics or single woman shaming.

  9. We don't need to be warned twice. You know what you doing.

  10. We don't lurk just to be nosy. Get you some business elsewhere and let your headscarf show around these parts.

Do you fit the bill?

>>ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS and join us here<<